When we celebrate and share our unique gifts , we ignite God in ourselves and by our example in others
Modern thinking tends to lean towards humility adopted heavily from religion, and yet this beautiful attribute has often been misunderstood. Instead of the recognition of a higher power acting through us, we tend to use it against ourselves as a way to avoid ownership of our abilities, we get confused and in an effort to avoid egoism we choose to live ‘small’.
In hiding our divine nature , we look to fit in and not be seen as arrogant or inflated, yet often this suppression leads to not taking responsibility for the gifts we have been given in order to share with the world . Being Humble in truth is to understand that we are all vessels of universe, where the ultimate Source gets to shine through each of us in amazing and creative ways and own job is not to suppress our God given talents but to allow the BIG U to express them freely through us.
When we are willing to celebrate the amazing and unique qualities that are inherently within us we ignite God in ourselves and inspire others to drop their false humility and allow our example to ignite the creative Fire within them.
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