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All of us when threatened feel justified in being judgmental . We look at another's behavior and assess wether it feels positive or negative , if the later we become righteous and blame the other. Often demanding that they change their ways or suffer the consequences.

Normally these consequences are some form of rejection . We are effectively trying to distance ourselves from the person and avoid the uncomfortable feelings it brings up . However what we fail to see is that which we judge in another is something we reject in ourselves.

We all have secret sides to us that we have judged , wrong or not good enough, so we hide them away and feel ashamed for them to be seen . So the outward reflection of another's trigger is actually directing us inwards to our own healing .

Instead of rejecting them we can look within and make peace with our own self judgement. Inviting those aspects of ourselves to reunite with us for they often hold some lost childhood, creativity, spontaneity and innocence that we thought we had lost but has been waiting within to be rediscovered.

What have you been judging in another that is really within yourself ?

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The BIG U - A Guide to Self Revolution now available in Ebook a Audio

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