Life gives us opportunity to discover the wonder of our being in the experiences we are invited to engage in . Sometimes we can become too involved with analyzing the possibilities and opportunities that are presented to us . We are looking to assess what each will give us , yet what im suggesting is that some invitations are not obvious to our minds as to how they would be beneficial and therefore we can dismiss them Out of hand missing out on the opportunity they present.
The key here is to not make decisions from a place of need , ie I must do this , or Duty ie I should do that, but from a place of curiosity ie I could do this and possibility ie I can do that.
Life is setting the paths of mystery to open us up to discover the wonders of our being . To have the opportunity to discover the hidden aspects of ourselves that only get revealed in the unexpected adventures we can take, if we choose to be inquisitive about not just who we are but who we could be !
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